
Dear KamiBahIni follower & readers;

Just for your info for digest before taken further step on KamiBahIni.

Disclaimer on KamiBahIni

FYI, all the video's and lyrics share on KamiBahIni blog are not copyright by our, cause KamiBahIni not own it.

KamiBahIni would like to credit back to copyright holder for video's and lyrics to the authors, composers, artists and music labels & production that whom may concerned.

KamiBahIni just sharing the video's & lyrics on this blog, to share the infomation as well as reference to those who's has been searching for Sabahan songs lyrics.

KamiBahIni has it own role to expose our on local songs especially Sabahan songs.

Not forget, KamiBahIni also in directly as a medium to promote our songs even a small step that can be a stepping stone toward exposure of Sabahan songs.

If any of the authors, composers, artists and music labels & production don't want their video's & lyrics on KamiBahIni blog, you are welcome to comment, KamiBahIni will taken down the post as request.

KamiBahIni final words

If you like the song lyrics and music video, do get them through the proper channels and make sure you get the ORIGINAL to show your support for our music industry especially Sabahan songs.

Best Regard's;
