You're viewing lyrics and music video for Adaa by Clarice John Matha.
Video: Adaa - Clarice John Matha
Lirik Lagu: Adaa - Clarice John Matha
Adaa oku dika iduanai
Adaa oku dika tongkiadai
Adaa oku dika pologoso
Adaa oku dika poihado
Walado puralanu
Onggomo inupusku
Pogulio ie tupusnu
Misanganu kito do ngoduo
Linasu dilo tadau
Tinodu dilo tulan
Tinamis dilo tongus
Kinilau rombituon
Songinandad koulian
Nu doi doho
Alansan oku da gumuli ko
Andadon ku gisom kouliannu
Haro nangku sala ku id dika
Siou noh nung nosinduolan ko
Walado puralan nu
Onggomo inupusku
Pogulio ie tupusnu
Misanganu kito do ngoduo
Linasu dilo tadau
Tinodu dilo tulan
Tinamis dilo tongus
Kinilau rombituon
Songinandad koulian
Nu doi doho
Walado puralanu
Onggomo inupusku
Pogulio ie tupusnu
Misanganu kito do ngoduo
Linasu dilo tadau
Tinodu dilo tulan
Tinamis dilo tongus
Kinilau rombituon
Songinandad koulian
Nu doi doho
Disclaimer: Lyrics and music video of Adaa - Clarice John Matha provided or displayed on this blog is just to share the info. as well as reference and educational purposes, all the lyrics and music videos that are shared on the site 'Kami Bah Ini' is copyright / property of the authors, composers, artists and music labels @ production concerned. If you like the song [lirik lagu] Adaa - Clarice John Matha lyrics and it music video, album and singles, get them through the proper channels and make sure you get the ORIGINAL to show your support for our music industry. All sources of music is derived from the YouTube video and others source. Support local Sabah songs.
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