Friday 23 September 2016

Lirik Jambatan Lampada - Jalius Jaibin

You're viewing lyrics and music video for Jambatan Lampada by Jalius Jaibin.

If you like the lyrics that has been share here; do share it by clicking your of choice on social network button to spread some love and support for our local singers and songs of Jambatan Lampada - Jalius Jaibin.

You are welcome to comments for any correction on the lyrics are provided here.

Video: Jambatan Lampada - Jalius Jaibin

Lirik Lagu: Jambatan Lampada - Jalius Jaibin

Jambatan dot Lampada..
Jambatan dot tanaru..

Layuk layuk ilo sumbiling
Nakalayuk id puun dot liposu
Iranan baino tulun toko
Kiwaro mari dilo ot komoyon

Nakasarat sorimbutu toko
Nunu gima nga waro tondomon
Pimyaan baino tulun toko
Aparu noh poh mogulanji

Kota Marudu puun do nabalu
Kinoyonon jambatan tanaru
Jambatan gantung id Kampung Lampada
Sunsuion tulun toko moi gumama

Pomusorou kow kiawi tobpinai
Intangai toko id minsorili
Ongotonmou togilai tomulok
Para wagu nga ogumu songsuni

Pipiaraon tongo komolengan
Tikid toon toko mangaramai
Pinakaian pondulung om golong
Tiniampakan bunga dot totomou

Awasi mato duyu mogintong
Sabat poh daraa amu kow tiuli

Repeat [1][2][3][3]

Disclaimer: Lyrics and music video of Jambatan Lampada - Jalius Jaibin provided or displayed on this blog is just to share the info. as well as reference and educational purposes, all the lyrics and music videos that are shared on the site 'Kami Bah Ini' is copyright / property of the authors, composers, artists and music labels & production concerned. 

If you like the song lirik lagu Jambatan Lampada - Jalius Jaibin lyrics and it music video, album and singles, get them through the proper channels and make sure you get the ORIGINAL to show your support for our music industry. 

All sources of music is derived from the YouTube video and others source. Support local Sabah songs.

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