You're viewing lyrics and music video for Au Zou Kaanu Momohiu Diau by Joe Balanjiu Jr.
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Video: Au Zou Kaanu Momohiu Diau - Joe Balanjiu Jr
Lirik lagu Au Zou Kaanu Momohiu Diau - Joe Balanjiu Jr
Hiyee.. hiyee
Tadau miagal aiso koupupuson
Boros noh aiso tobo’os
Songkuo nodi hinaid timpu takahahib
Songkuo noh au zou nodi humangad diau
Ginavo ku au noh poh kosinonod
Kakal koh poh id pomusavaan ku
Mimang zou dah poindoos koh dogo
Au dih nangku tumahib kopiumanan diti
Sabab diho tombituon
Kiva di nangku ngavi sisimba montok diti
Sabab hangadon zou diau
Nooviau zou di nangku pomusazan diti
Au ziou kana momohiu diau.. u.. woo..
Gumuhi ngavi id ka’andaman dih to
Sangal nuh noivaan doh mato ku
Angkang poh nipizan kakal pogindugu
Nokuoh tu au zou kaanu momohiu diau
Sabab diho tombituon
Kiva di nangku ngavi sisimba montok diti
Sabab hangadon zou diau
Nooviau zou di nangku pomusazan diti
Hozou ku ginavo diti
Tu kakal zou guminavo diau
Oh nu nodi om mangan ku, oho.. yeah..
Kiva di nangku ngavi
Sisimba montok diti, tadadaddai
Nooviau zou di nangku pomusazan diti
Tad.. ai.. shu.. biduu.. du..
Disclaimer: Lyrics and music video of Au Zou Kaanu Momohiu Diau - Joe Balanjiu Jr provided or displayed on this blog is just to share the info. as well as reference and educational purposes, all the lyrics and music videos that are shared on the site 'Kami Bah Ini' is copyright / property of the authors, composers, artists and music labels & production concerned.
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All sources of music is derived from the YouTube video and others source. Support local Sabah songs.
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